David Chiu

Professor of Computer Science
University of Puget Sound

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CS 475 - Operating Systems - Syllabus

Course Description

One the most complex software systems ever assembled, the modern operating system serves as the interface between the human and the machine. This course traces how the simple idea of “resource sharing” unravels into some of the most confounding problems and original breakthroughs in computer science. Course topics include process and thread management, input/output, CPU scheduling, concurrency and synchronization, memory management, virtual memory, and caching. Students taking this course will learn how to deal with the intricacies of low-level programming, parallel computing, and tackling synchronization problems. The C programming language will be taught.


A grade of C- or higher in the following course(s) is required:

Required Textbook

Student Course Outcomes

Students taking this course will:

Course Topics


Your overall grade is broken down as as follows:

  % Weight
Participation 5%
Homework Assignments 40%
Midterm I 15%
Midterm II 18%
Final Exam 22%

Clasroom Policies

Attendance and Participation

Regular attendance and participation in class are required. Attendance, to be graded out of 10 “participation points,” applies toward your final grade. I deduct 2 points for each unexcused absence, 1 point for being late, and 1 point for engaging in activities that can disrupt others: scrolling through your phone, texting, playing games on your laptop, etc.

Final Letter Grades

These are the cutoffs when assigning your final letter grades. Please note that decimals are ignored (e.g., 89.99% = B+). The cutoffs below might come down, but will not be set higher.

Final Average Letter Grade
100% - 95% A
94% - 90% A-
89% - 87% B+
86% - 83% B
82% - 80% B-
79% - 77% C+
76% - 73% C
72% - 70% C-
69% - 67% D+
66% - 63% D
62% - 60% D-
59% and below F
During Class: No Laptops and No Phones

Laptop computers and other handheld devices are a common distraction during lectures. Except on lab days and for those who can provide documentation of need from the office of student accommodations, please don’t bring your laptops to lectures. Please turn your phones off, or at least put your phones on silent during lecture.

Academic Integrity

I adhere to the university’s academic integrity policy. If a student is caught misrepresenting their work, then at minimum, they will receive an automatic zero for the assignment and the case will be reported upstream, which may affect the student’s athletic and scholarship eligibilities. To avoid such problems, use common sense and when in doubt, ask me for advice. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, the following:

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using ChatGPT

When used properly, ChatGPT, Gemini, and other generative AI are powerful tools and can be a great help in understanding the technical contents of this course. Because of that, on surface, I am not opposed to their use for my classes. However, there are clear boundaries that, when crossed, could lead to severe consequences for students. Here are some do’s-and-don’ts guidelines on how to properly use these tools for this class:

Late Policy, Extensions, and Makeup

Late Deduction

For each day that a homework assignment is late beyond the due date (or the adjusted date according to your accommodations), I assess a \(3^d\%\) deduction, where \(d\) is the number of days late including weekends.

Deadline Extensions

Ample time is provided to complete each assignment, and I do not assign work that has not already been covered in lectures. Generally, no extensions be will given for assignments. The exception is when you can provide documentation for unique circumstances, or if you have student accommodations. As a general rule of thumb, come talk to me and explain what might be going on.

Exam Policies

University, Academic, and Administrative Policies

There are many university policies and resources that offer guidance on how to be safe and make the most of your college education. Here are a few that you should take a moment to review: