David Chiu

Professor of Computer Science
University of Puget Sound
Thompson Hall 303 | dchiu@pugetsound.edu

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CS 161 - Intro to Computer Science

Lab: Circle Drawer

This assignment is all about conditionals and object references! We’ll work with the CircleDrawer class that is given to you. Along the way you’ll write code that uses and manipulates object references, and requires more complex boolean expressions than you’ve written previously.

Student Outcomes

Required Files

The following file(s) have been provided for this homework.



This assignment will be graded out of 2 points, provided that:
- You were in attendance and on-time.
- Completed all required methods.

Submitting Your Assignment

Follow these instructions to submit your work. You may submit as often as you’d like before the deadline. I will grade the most recent copy.


Written by Brad Richards with modifications.

Lab Attendance Policies

Attendance is required for lab. Unexcused absence = no credit even if you turned in the lab. Unexcused tardiness = half credit.