David Chiu

Professor of Computer Science
University of Puget Sound

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CS 161 - Intro to Computer Science

Lab: Draw My Picture

In this assignment you will use BlueJ to practice creating and calling methods on some limited Shape objects. You will manipulate these shapes to create a simple picture of Pac-Man. You will then create a picture of your own.

Student Outcomes

Preliminary: Setting up Google Drive

You may skip this step if you already have a solution for backing your files up (such as iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, and so on.) If not, read on!

Part 1: Getting Started

Part 2: From Shapes to Pictures

Part 3: Your Turn!

You still don’t need a partner yet, but now it’s your turn to write an algorithm to draw anything of your choosing. (Without saying, please draw something appropriate!)

Optional Extensions

Have some free time? There are no limitations to the content you want to display. Feel free to make more pages about yourself, and add as much styling as you wish! As long as your site meets the requirements, you will receive full credit!


This assignment will be graded out of 2 points, provided you do all the following:

- You were in attendance and on-time.
- You submitted a README.txt with a detailed and precise algorithm for producing a
- Your algorithm produces something recognizable.
- You have executed your partner's algorithm and gave them feedback on the process.
- You have properly submitted your lab.

Submitting Your Assignment

Follow these instructions to submit your work. You may submit as often as you’d like before the deadline. I will grade the most recent copy.


Written by David Chiu and Joel Ross.

Lab Attendance Policies

Attendance is required for lab. Unexcused absence = no credit even if you turned in the lab. Unexcused tardiness = half credit.